March 24, 2021
There are all kinds of people in the world. Like most people, there are some people I like and some people I don’t like. Some people I like are ugly and some are not.
However, some people are aiming to fix it so there will come a time real soon in America where it will be against the law for disliking and insulting someone.
It will be against the law to insult someone on the pettiest claims of evidence and with video of the incident.
There will be an official group or a small number of groups of people you’ll be expected to never scrutinize. Failure to keep your mouth shut for expressing any critical opinion, true or not, on certain classes of people could spell trouble for an offender.
It’ll end badly for a few miserable miscreants with something like the following happening soon with some hefty cash fines and maybe some serious jail time:
“All I said was she looked like an ape and now I’m hit with a hate crime.”
or, something like this:
“All I said was I don’t like Israel and they hit me with being an anti-Semite and charged me with a hate crime.”
Oy vey, it’s coming to you whether you like it or not. Most violators are expected to be white people.
The reasons why I may not like a particular people may have to do with their looks, race, culture and lifestyles and by my past interactions with them. Some of my dislike for certain groups of people were made just by observation as I have never had any interaction, or extremely limited experiences, with them.

Some races are ugly to me and some are not
If a racist is someone who thinks a particular race of people are ugly as compared to other races, then I guess I’m guilty. I’m a racist like most everyone else because I don’t believe there is a person on earth who believes we all look the same.


We’re all different and everybody knows it. Okay, except for Susan Collins of Maine who looks just like Alan Greenspan and recently departed Ruth Ginsburg, but that’s it!
I’m not a racist with supremacist ideological stripes. There is a difference.
Racists with supremacist ideology underpinnings are the type of people I do not like or associate with but I would not put any effort into trying to shut down their right to gather and voice their beliefs in the Land Of The Free. Let them think they’re all that.
Just keep your hands off me and out of my pockets and we’ll get along just fine. I’ll do the same.
I don’t have to like you, but I’ll respect your right to express your beliefs. I’ll even listen to what people have to say to find common ground for dialogue and solidarity when it comes to treating everyone equal under the laws of our communities and country.
I don’t care what the race is of someone who is ugly. If someone is unattractive to me, they would most likely be unattractive to others like me with similar preferences for the opposite sex that were embedded in them at an early age though school, music, film, and every other aspect of our society.
The problem gets sticky when you start to consider where most of the unattractive people come from. For me, these people come from countries I simply would never dream of visiting unless someone paid me to visit such places because there would be too many ugly people going about their business in these locations. Plus, I would go mad if I had to listen to the short choppy languages spoken in theses countries for more than a few conversations. I’d would rather not have to deal with it.
I simply don’t give a got-damn about these people, their cultures and their lifestyles. Is such an attitude racist or would you call me a devout believer of idontgiveagot-damnism? Which is worse?
I most certainly would care if these people were being starved and murdered by their government or occupier, or even by invading hordes of Khazars warriors intent on pillage, rape and the sacking of their country for no reason except for greed, blood and to destroy something. Yeah, I would be against similar scenarios which really do happen much too often around the world today.
Now, being ugly is not all that bad. I know. I’m a little ugly, too.
I like to think I’m not bad looking, even for my age. Someone else may disagree and consider me butt-ugly. It would be okay with me. Everyone is entitled to their impressions and observations.
Now, most people in places where almost everybody in the whole country is ugly are very smart. Not American innovative smart, just smart and sort of wise. Consider the short list of India, Japan, Korea, Thailand and China.
Here in America, we’re innovative smart but we’re not wise at all. In fact, we’re incredibly gullible and easily fooled and manipulated. Just look at who controls our foreign policy, our levers of government and our halls of justice. It’s not we, the people, is it?
The sad fact is America can barely stay competitive with China and the rest of the Orient as our country is divided, crumbling and falling apart while the Orient is rising with shining new stuff everywhere across the western ocean.
Yet, there is a general belief across the world some races are less desirable than others as visuals are very important to everybody, especially Americans like myself. This is why so many countries will never stack up to American tastes no matter how much those who rule over us want us to view each other as the same here at home.
Is it racist to admit as a man you would most surely want to engage in some intimacy with Paige Spiranic if you could instead of Gabourey Sidibe?

Paige Spiranic is a professional golfer and Gabourey “Gabby” Sidibe made her acting debut in the 2009 movie, Precious. She should have won an Oscar for her performance.
Would a woman prefer to share time with Zac Efron or Danny Trejo? Would the choice be a racist one?

Zac Efron gained fame for his role in Disney’s High School Musical. Inspiring Inmate #1 Danny Trejo, through redemption and perseverance, has become a symbol of positive transformation.
Who do you believe a traditional Chinese marriage-minded woman would prefer to have a relationship with, Drake or Xiao Zhan?

Rapper Drake is rich but is the Canadian jew preferred over the womanish-looking Xiao Zhan by Chinese and other Oriental women?
Would a jewish mother’s refusal to allow her daughter to marry a Gentile be rooted in racism or something else?
In the Goodfellas movie scene, Henry arrives at Karen’s house to pick her up for their second date, however Henry’s Christian cross is showing from around his neck and Karen quickly button’s up Henry’s shirt as her mother opens the door. Karen’s mother introduces herself to Henry, saying, “My daughter says that you’re half jewish,” a lie Karen made up to fool her jewish mother who would have objected to Henry being non-jewish. After Henry and Karen are married, their marriage begins to hit the rocks with the scene above.
It is a common perception among the general Japanese mainstream to view gaijin people as ugly and especially the kurombo in their country. Other Japanese derogatory names for non-Japanese people include the words kokujin, hakujin and hafu.
Koreans and the Chinese are no better. They view foreigners and people of color in similar veins accompanied with the same disparagement and dislikes one would find in Japan. Such attitudes run deep in Orientals everywhere.
Cheyenne Lin:
It’s white people’s fault Orientals in America are racist against blacks.
Indians are so messed up. They don’t even like each other. They’re worst than Americans in almost every way a hundred times over.
Ask a northern Indian who are referred to as “gora” how they view their southern brethren? One American world traveler of color ventured into India on a vacation and after traversing the sub-continent he concluded: “Having a fairer complexion means being more beautiful. Having a darker complexion means being poor and ugly.”

Arun Chandra:“We discriminate against people from our own country. The people from North Eastern states face severe racism and discrimination. They are often called “chinky”, “momo”, “chowmein”, and are regarded as South Koreans, Chinese or Japanese.
Even India’s most famous son, Mohandas Gandhi, was racist to the bone and openly expressed his dislike for black people. To his credit, as he aged and as his writings reveal, he softened his attitude towards black people.
No other country is as confused as India and I don’t care.
Until the 30-percent of the population teaches the other 70-percent of the population to learn how to use a toilet, I won’t be visiting India any time soon.
Somebody has to do it:
India’s Poop Scoopers at work.
Western Crease
No matter what, the people from India, Japan, Korea, Thailand and China dislike each other as much as they dislike themselves. Westerners easily see something is wrong with Indians as they are the biggest consumers of skin whitening products in the world. Everybody seems to know there is something wrong with South Koreans, too. They are unhappy with their eyes and general appearance.
South Koreans turn to cosmetic surgery to round their eyes out to look more attractive. They’ll also include bigger lips, higher cheeks, and a more delicate chin to achieve their preferred look. Some Korean women are also having more buttock enlargements. It is widely known Orientals are sorely lacking in the booty department, so any enhancements in that area which can up their game when getting a job or for advancement is always welcomed if one can afford the bill and the sore booty. American women looking for the same cuts, lifts and transformations rely on the Sono Bello route.
Apparently, the trend in South Korea has gotten to the point where whole families have had some kind of work done on their faces. The grandmother, daughter and grand-daughter undergo the treatment. Its akin to seeing black and African families doing the same thing. The difference is instead of cosmetic surgery, they opt to wear Korean made wigs, hair extensions and other hair applications to look more attractive. It is common to see eight-year old girls wearing wigs. Crazy. Adding to the insanity, these people are the first to cry foul and cultural appropriation on people like Rachel Dolezal and similar trans-racial and fashion minded people out there.
China and India are also in a constant state of alert at their borders because they’re at each other’s throat over property rights or an agreeable border. Borders and property rights are also fueling the same sort of animosity between China and Japan over some rocky uninhabited islands. Japan just signed into law the right to fire on any Chinese ships that may attempt to land people on any of the empty islands. The complications includes America’s commitment to go to war with China to defend Japan’s right to the uninhabited rocky islands and the mineral wealth below the sea around in the area.
Korea is divided but all Koreans dislike the Japanese 365 days of the year, every year with no signs of any abatement showing in the near future.

The Japanese dislike everybody and nobody really cares because everybody in the Orient dislikes them.
Thai and Filipina women are the most attractive Orientals to me.
Apparently the Thai government is aware the woman of their country are beautiful but poor. It may well explain why the government allows the country to be a whore house for all men everywhere with Chinese and Malay men always first in line. How much money does the Thai military rulers pull in from its prostitution racket? Vacationers to Thailand say you have to watch out for those Ladyboys.
The unintended consequences from such behavior on a national scale is the country’s growing number of bi-racial children who are at the forefront of Thailand’s own brand of discrimination and dislike. It’s the same kind of unjust treatment other bi-racial people encounter in their own countries in the Orient.
Every major city has a red light district, but the whole country of Thailand is seemingly servicing the world. Prostitution may be the country’s biggest attraction like Disneyland is to California. Also, the country has an enormous share of men who think they are women. It begs the question: Why are there so many Ladyboys in Thailand? Could the answer be because most Ladyboys were molested by vacationing European and American pedophiles when they were children and now, having been turned out, try to tempt unsuspecting and eager like-minded males to participate in disgusting sex acts?
Generally, western women say Oriental men are the least attractive men on the planet. Is it true?
Is it fair, accurate and morally right to brand a person’s appreciation for beauty as racist instead of allowing for beauty to be gauged by the viewer without restraints?
You Don’t Like Me
While I do not like certain people, I know certain people don’t like me for what I am. I know for certain I’m on someone’s list, like my own list, of people they do not like. I’m okay with that.
I believe while I may not like a particular people for whatever reason, it is the right thing to do to treat everyone with common courtesy and respect when interacting with them. I give back what I get. After all, the types of folks I dislike are people, too. Right?
Treat me with respect and you’ll get it back.
Most people do, but unfortunately there have been exceptions when I have encountered some vile and disgusting abuse by racist supremacist ideology-driven characters out here in the American west. Not all of them were white people. The fact is there is a significant number of non-white racists in America with many of them having an Oriental link.
No Nigger Zone
Yes, there is a difference between someone calling you names and someone seeking to genocide you. Just like there is a difference between a simple racist like myself and most people like me in America . . . in contrast to the severely mentally afflicted Chosen Tribe out there in the Middle East and elsewhere, where these despicable people’s diaspora has scattered to, and whose beliefs are rooted in their delusional superiority over everybody else.
I believe I can say with all my heart I am what I am. On a cosmic level, I’m no better and no less than any other person on earth.
On terra firma, my bank account may be embarrassing low, I may be ugly to someone somewhere, and there are billions of people out there who are doing a lot better than what I have accomplished so far, but I’m okay with this simple assessment.
I try to improve myself everyday to be a better person but no matter what I do to raise my spirituality, consciousness and open my heart. There are a lot of people I don’t like, and I know I will never like them and I’ll never interact with them.
Aside from all evil Zionists, their Noahide slaves and enablers, pedophiles, dual citizens, most bankers, certain foreigners, illegal immigrant invaders, fifth-column traitors, terrorists, filthy-mouth rappers, animal molesters, most Hollywood actors, drug addicts, religions zealots, rapists, alcoholics, serial killers, career politicians, pitiful transgenders, and corrupt cops and judges, there are a lot of people I do like.
What I Don’t Like
I have some very close and dear white friends even though I do not like and resent European colonial history and its legacy.
I don’t know one single white person who once owned slaves, so I could never blame white people today for our country’s slavery history. I would be out of line to do so, but I do blame America’s slavery legacy for the attitude whites generally have towards people of color today.
I like people who are decent and trustworthy. I don’t care about someone’s skin color when it comes to friends and family.
I cotton to good, honest hard working and decent Christian types of people. I have little reason to want to know other religious groups. Outside of wanting to know about some general historical tidbits on some alien religion or philosophy, I never interact or delve too deeply into other people’s different religious backgrounds. Such non-traditional Christian groups tend to confine themselves to their own communities in America and away from me, so very little contact is exchanged and I’m okay with the way it all balances out in the marketplace. After business hours they go their way and I go mine. It is the way how people generally interact, isn’t it?
Any after work interactions are almost always never attended by these people who have no interests in American traditional civic and social groups and establishments. Instead, such people opt to join ethnic leagues that promote their foreign cultures on us and never assimilate in the American mainstream.
I generally don’t like white people, most specifically, the Spanish and the Anglo-Saxon English. I know what to expect from them as their cultural traditions have revealed unique traits that separates them from other European cultural groups. Yet, I judge all white people I interact with by the content of their character traits, not their skin color. Most importantly, I judge all people on how they treat me, my family, friends and my country.
I don’t like caca when it rolls downhill, especially when I’m at the bottom of the hill. Thankfully, I manage to avoid most crap as best as I can.
I don’t like faggots and transgenders. It is unnatural and insane, yet I would never try to stop them from pursuing what they are chasing. It’s not my right to do so. I would never offend them without cause by personally hurtling mean slurs at them. I reference them as gays, faggots and queers because such names are what they know themselves to be. They know they’re gay, faggots and queers. Everybody knows it.
If I had to hurl a mean slur at someone, it would be predicated with a more meaningful adjective. I’d surely call someone gay, faggot, queer and something else more potent right up in their face if one pissed me off personally, like spitting in my coffee, or poking me in the eye. However, I would rather treat queers with respect and dignity if I have to interact with them. I may not like their lifestyle but it isn’t enough for me to not treat such people with common courtesy and respect.
Yet, why do faggots come out as if it a brave thing to say they like sucking a penis and getting fucked in the ass? Why must everyone know they are perverted? It’s a lifestyle I will never like. Yet, you’ll never catch me protesting the gay lifestyle. What people do with their lives is up to them, not me. If anything there should be a law that requires people to keep their sexual preferences private and their mouths shut about what turns them on. It’s akin to yelling out fire! in a crowded theater.
I believe I have a Constitutional right to not like faggots and transgenders, and I have the God-given right to say I don’t like them. I should be able to say so without fear of punishment by the American government or by evil corporate and Main Street businesses, banks and higher learning institutions. Most importantly, I don’t need or appreciate the government telling me how I should address and view other people. That’s the government’s problem, it is always trying to tell people what to do. It’s not a good sign, people.
Against The Wall
I’m against all hate crimes until they come out with greed and jealous crime categories that carries a double serving of punishment. Other categories which can be added to the list of criminal emotions would include expressing hope and crying.
I pursue each day with no intention to insult or offend anyone, but I can’t go out in public without being offended by the level of graft, degradation, violence, and filth that runs through every level of our society.
I don’t protest the ugliness.
I don’t go up to people while they are enjoying a dinner at an open outside restaurant and shout black lives matter! at them.
I don’t pick fights with faggots for their behavior which offends me. I know and they know they’re messed up. They don’t need me to tell them that, so I would never say so.
Yet, how is it that some gays can be offended when someone calls them a faggot and there is no similar pearl clutching when someone calls people like me straight as the word has now been designated offensive to some people?
By whom was the word declared unfit to use? I don’t know. Someone is making these decisions somewhere. I have not been able to find out who is responsible for making all these judgement calls on what is allowed and what is not. I just shake my head in disbelief as more and more words are now explosive and unfit to use.
I don’t abort babies, nor do I assist as an enabler and supporter for the murder of innocent lives each day in America.
I can’t stop the killings. No one can, as abortions are a government financed and protected civil right. Anyone can get one. There are no restraints on immoral behavior in America. In fact we’re duped into believing behaving immorally is cool. Young people can’t escape how immoral behavior is glamorized in our popular movies and through the anti-American Zionist propaganda machine.
I’m not in a gang and I don’t do drive-by shootings. Nor do I go around flying a foreign flag on my car’s dashboard.
I don’t have dual citizenship with another country.
I avoid any confrontation with the type of people I do not like as best I can for fear if I started trouble with someone over differences, the police will be called. Fussing with the police, no matter who calls them, will most often end in an escalation and a police shooting. I don’t want to be the victim to such madness.
Navigating through such circumstances require an ever sense of preparedness to fend off any possible assault on my person when venturing out into the public. It gets tiresome never knowing where the violence or anger will come from as it can come from the authorities as quickly as it can come at you by someone stressed out and pissed off at everybody. Both angles are possible threats to my safety and my family’s welfare.
If I go off and insult someone, it would most likely be a result of being bullied or disrespected in some exchange or interaction with edgy stressed out and ill-mannered people as I only stand a little over 5’7″ and weigh 127 pounds now, after just coming back from an illness. Yet, I try to avoid trouble.
Unfortunately for some jerks, I’m still a man and a Vietnam-era Marine veteran. I used to be taller, healthier and meaner, so I have the fire and gumption to stand up for myself and I’ll keep on doing so until I can’t do it no more. I won’t easily succumb to the abuse.
Old Timers Don’t Count
It’s amazing how young people treat older people today. No respect at all. Seriously, it so sad. Most disturbing is how white people generally, and white police officers of the law specifically, view and treat dark skin seniors in their sixties and seventies. They often threat them as if they are young street thugs. It’s pathetic because you’d never see the same police officers manhandling and abusing older white grannies and grandfathers on the same level they approach and deal with colored seniors. Yeah, I don’t like it!
If people are insulted by my choice of words for some groups of Americans, then that’s too got-damn bad!
If the shoe fits, wear it. Call me what you want because no matter what, you already have names for people like me. We all have names for other people we don’t like.
If you’re evil, you’re evil . If you’re a faggot, then you’re a faggot. If you’re fucked up a little like me, then, you’re fucked up a little. But, aren’t we all fucked up a little?
Like most people, I care about our crumbling social foundations. I’m willing to get along with almost everyone, including people I don’t like. The common denominator that should bind us is our right of free speech. It is an obligation as citizens to examine and express why almost everything and everyone is messed up in America today as traditional family values are under assault by deviant monsters.
New laws are being fabricated in American that will shackle our natural inclinations
I sincerely believe no group of people in America should have a higher standing or higher pecking order over any other group of people in our republic.
I oppose the American government’s attempts, along with almost every municipality across the country, to elevate jews, faggots and sick transgenders of all colors and obscene persuasions to a higher social standing with legal protection over everybody else not perverted by unnatural behavior and Zionism’s Judaic supremacist ideology.
Where does it say in the Constitution we are suppose to like everybody, no matter what?
Where does it say in the Constitution it is against the law to insult someone?
Why did we ban dueling?
Consider the consequences of someone insulting you with the allowance for you to later arrange to walk ten paces with your back to your disparager with a single shot pistol in your hand, after which you will turn and take aim and fire at the culprit just as he is taking aim at you.

Who would have the balls to insult someone knowing a disrespectful remark or action would put their lives at risk?
What would we lose from resurrecting the legal option to slap someone on the face with a handkerchief for an invitation to back up an insult with someone who isn’t going to take shit from you?
Would people be so apt to offend someone if dueling was legal?
Don’t pull my chains
There is no way in heck I believe I’m better than anyone else. Not me. I’m a racist by today’s standard simply because I believe some races are uglier than other races. I’m not a race supremacist. I have no plans to convert to Judaism or join any crap-ass movement to enslave the world for my benefit, so I’m not a threat to our republic or to the world.
Yet, some people are a threat to America.
During the Second World War, our government did much to promote negative racial epithets against the Germans and the Japanese. Today, it is getting clear white America is under attack and has been designated the new enemy by our government. The play book used in 1941 to dehumanize a group of people still works well in 2021.
Anyone not on par with the new America 2021 agenda of changing us into something we’re not (dirty unicorns) are now called Nazis.
Most alarming is the complicit anti-American Zionist media which has declared white terror as the country’s foremost security challenge. It is why there are still 2,300 military personal guarding the White House today. Washington D.C. basically under lock down.
I don’t like people who explicitly express racist supremacist ideology, their public displays and marches but I totally support any people’s right to march and say what they like and don’t like in America, even racist and unpopular views. It’s the government that is now opposed to free speech today.
I’m opposed to our government targeting innocent Americans as terrorist and insurrectionists. It has gotten to the point where white people are afraid to express any pride in their heritage and background. It is akin to the creeping trend to regulate and prevent Christians from expressing their faith and praying in public.
I believe the fuss about white supremacy as a threat to our nation is simply made up by design. The monsters in the shadows are attempting to pit people of color against white people with lies, staged violence, propaganda, threats of slavery reparations, white violence against Orientals, and so much more with complicit help from the evil Zionist news media.
The Guilty Ones
Washington D.C. is filled with disgusting anger seething parasites who believe they are the only real humans on earth and everybody else are no better than animals who are meant only to serve them.
It sounds like I’m describing the employees of the federal government, but I’m not. The culprits behind the madness in our times are far worse than the compromised knuckleheads we have in Congress and the slimy bureaucratic pen-pushers that work for them. The real crooks and evil in Washington D.C. have no one to account to as they stealthy rule over us.
It’s those sorts of people I do not like. I’m afraid of them. They’re ruthless and treacherous murderers and they run things in America and have been doing so for some time now. They own us. They even assign numbers to each of us at birth to keep track of what we do in life so they can extract as much wealth from us as they can.
Our rulers have constructed a bullet proof shield around their organized crime syndicate that operates around the world through deception and enforced by assassination, war, crooked judges, compromised federal and state legislators, prison terms for the unluckily loud critics of the system on trump-up accusations and charges, sanctions, forced cancellation of bank and social media accounts, reputations maligned by the Zionist controlled media, getting fired from jobs and blacklisted. It doesn’t matter if the suppressed are rich or poor, ex-president or janitor. People are afraid.
Mowing The Lawn
Our deranged leaders want to spend a couple of billion dollars whenever someone in London, Israel or Switzerland decides to order our county to bomb Syria in a war contrived and designed to enhance Israel and exercised by proxy through their ISIS and American controlled terrorists. We’re doing Israel’s dirty work . Our military is in Syria illegally and stealing billions of dollars worth of crude oil from the country our evil rulers want us in. We have lost our national honor blindly supporting the evil Zionists?
There is never any talk of diplomacy ever from our State Department. Our Zionist solutions are always shock and awe when dealing with everybody we can surely bully and beat up on in the Middle East. Except for those countries backed by those countries that can whip our ass in every way like North Korea, China, Iran and Russia. Unfortunately, our Zionist overlords are upping the threat to Russia (think Ukraine) and China (think Taiwan) in any given alternate week, so a confrontation is surely looming in our future. It’s what these evil people want so they can heal the world.
And then there is the Covid-19 pandemic which we are now into our second year with. Battered health workers and those attempting to understand and leash the virus are years away from any real promise of coming up with a real-deal cure. The concoctions being billed right now as vaccines to combat Covid-19 aren’t really effective. The several makers of these government financed experimental efforts admit what they are injecting into everyone is not a vaccine or cure to the deadly virus.
What then is in the stuff the government has green-lighted for Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates to enthusiastically help promote for use on us all?
Mixing it all up for the coming bang in our future are the spooky handlers behind illegitimate president and self-proclaimed “You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist” Joe Biden, who is now rescinding everything Trump tried to accomplish to shore up our borders to keep the coyotes and undesirable rift-rafts out of the country.
Career politicians with dual loyalties are a threat to America.
Through design and patient steps, little by little, the people who control us pursue a one world order set to build back better any day now with the coming reset which will mark the destruction of the dollar.
There are real demons working against all that is good and who are pulling a side door open from inside traditional America for the hordes of demons to enter and sweep away the remaining decency left in in our society.
Observing America today is like watching that scene from the 1997 blockbuster movie Titanic where the heroine climbs over the ship’s stern rail and rides the ship down as it sinks into the deadly freezing water below. She does this along with several reluctant wide-eyed doomed shipmates who are also holding on to the ship’s rail as their lives are eventually swallowed up by the sea.

There is a moment before, however, where the heroine of the movie, Rose, glances over to the man in the white kitchen uniform holding tight to the rail with fear in his eyes and they share a look that convened the inevitable truth to them.
We’re fucked!
The movie’s sinking of the Titanic didn’t have to happen. The ship was captained by a man portrayed as someone compromised by those who controlled him.
Of course a ship’s captain’s foremost duty is to his passengers, but in the movie Captain Edward Smith had sold his people out. He was shown to have been manipulated by other people’s interests.
The truth is, we Americans have no power at all. We’re like passengers on our version of the H.M.S. Titanic. We’re on the unsinkable U.S.S. America, and like the real unsinkable Titanic that sunk in 1912, we’re doomed, too.
What we say or do in protest means nothing to those who rule over us. The Constitution is almost dead. Our words and actions to stop the madness will not change anything in our system. At this point, there is no one coming to save us.
America is going down.
It is pretty much every man for himself and family now. It’s just a matter of time. The end is only a few months away, maybe a few years from now, but the collapse of the republic is happening now.
Consider how most people treat other people today with indifference and intolerance. Sometimes the slightest insult and disagreement produces extreme in your face anger laced with degrading epithets when exchanges go wild. Such encounters contrast to the golden rule one should treat people the same way they would want to be treated when interacting with those you don’t like.
The nation if full of decent people of good heart. Finding them is not a problem. They’re out there in abundance.
The problem with America are the psychopathic fifth-column agents working to subvert traditional values and institutions.
The names of these people and their enablers are well known. They are the ones responsible for dividing us with quotas, illegal immigrant invaders, endless wars, and rigged elections and they control the narrative. They have our law enforcement and our politicians in their pocket.
They keep our young people enthralled with creepy movies riddled with dark themes, despair, and it-could-be-your-daughter-sister-mother-grandma porn films. These monsters promote films with socially engineered themes and images to control us and to show us there are no moral bounds or limits they won’t cross with taboo subjects centered on sex, violence and gore. Destroy the family by all means necessary and society explodes. It’s what they want so they can heal the world.
These monsters keep us angry at each other. They provoke our cultural differences with staged events to keep us on edge. They plant, grow and pay contrived celebrities to offer cover for their actions. They want to take our guns away from us.
They’re are almost finished with us. Its best to remember what one of their most murderous and heinous agents said about America not too long ago:
“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”
You know who they are.
Americans are easy to manipulate. Everybody knows it which makes our bondage by consent to our evil rulers even more pathetic as we are too weak and lazy to do anything about it.
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I see the coming fall, too.