Zionist Bootlickers and TRAITORS You All Know

Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of
the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.

Thomas Jefferson

April 30 2024

You know got-damn well our country is controlled by demonic war mongering and money laundering Zionist jews, who are a big part of an evil international crime organization; and if you don’t know it, then eat shit and die!

Trust me, America would do well with less ill-informed and compliant slaves on the planet who refuse to recognize and call out the people who are responsible for their mistreatment and enslavement. Such people are welcomed and encouraged to change their perspective, Once informed you cannot un-know who controls you. Yet, some people like being slaves.

Most everyone else have had it with how the system is working. People are rejecting what our demonic Zionist rulers are attempting to construct in our lives with hedonistic building blocks of filth and debauchery by government edits and mandates designed to fundamentally change traditional American moral values and constraints.

Thank goodness more people are joining the ranks of patriots who have long ago given up on our corrupt political system and are fighting back against Zionism’s Empire Of Lies simply by adhering to traditional values and natural truths.

It is encouraging more people are boycotting Zionist affiliated business interests and identifying and denouncing traitors and collaborators by name and with proof of their treachery and crimes against America.

The cringiest and creepiest Zionist bootlickers don’t give a got-damn if they ooze profusely with self-depreciating devotion to the evil, lying demons running the country and who are messing with our values.

Zionist bootlickers tend to enjoy what they do. Living lifestyles of the rich and obscene predicated on fealty and compliance to their Zionist overlords. At its worst such behavior is a comfortable endeavor for perverts, pedophiles and deviant queers. Such behavior pays well at the expense of everybody else not imbued with the desire to become a compliant servant and kiss-ass to our jewish masters.


Most collaborators are disillusioned brain-washed entertainers, goons and contrived personalities who serve their Zionist captains for obscene dystopian fame and money. Our supposedly elected officials are the worst kind of traitors to the American people as they sell out everybody when they provide political cover for our demonic Zionist rulers when they need it for an illegal foreign war, a money-making/kick-back scheme, and for apologies when the rabbi-inspired monsters in the shadows that govern over us, censor us and restrict our right to free speech.


Texas Governor Greg Abbott

You can’t be governor of Texas and a patriotic American citizen while being an open and unapologetic agent for the genocidal foreign regime in Israel. Our leaders, like Abbott, should not be advocating for the suppression and punishment of citizens for exercising their civic obligation to express their free speech in America, no matter the message.

Unfortunately, there are patriots in support for an American military coup d’etat to change our nation’s trajectory back to our Founding Father’s original intent. Such sentiments include an ensuing roundup and arrest of Zionist traitors and collaborators. For some patriots, Abbott’s guilty behavior would surely warrant an indefinite stay at a repurposed Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay detention camp) with arranged interrogation sessions to adjust his attitude.

Greg Abbott Meets With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
by Edgar Walters
Texas Gov. Abbott faces backlash after mass arrest at UT Austin pro-Palestine protest by Saul Elbein
Abbott says pro-Palestine protesters at UT Austin ‘belong in jail’ by Lauren Irwin

Nepo Actor Michael Douglas

Can’t-act-and-never-could-act nepo-child Michael Douglas is out of his got-damn nepo mind if he thinks Joe Biden’s mental acuity is “sharp as a tack.” Yet, it’s always a pathetic low to encounter snippets in the jewish media mafia that gives attention to one of their scores of contrived celebrities when they endorse a crap-ass idea or person with ramifications, depending on how the message is received – directly supports or detracts from the ongoing swindle our demonic Zionist rulers are pulling off right in our front of our faces. Demonic Zionist jews control Joe Biden so every Zionist has to say something good about Biden. Some Zionists don’t say anything. It’s part of the plan. Some people can’t see what is happening. Some people can see what’s going on, but they don’t care. They like being a slave.
Michael Douglas defends Biden mental acuity: ‘Sharp as a tack’ by Judy Kurtz

Donald Trump

Playbook: Mike Johnson’s coalition government
by Ryan Lizza, Rachael Bade and Eugene Daniels
Election 2024: Donald Trump Declines to Fight Aid to Ukraine
by James M. Lindsay

The Donald didn’t say a word against sending hard-earned tax dollars to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and money for immigrant resettlement into the country when the issues were being debated in the House of Representatives. People are going to get their feelings hurt when Trump is re-elected president and he starts the next world war defending Israel.

Jim Hoft

Jim Hoft, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Internet news site Gateway Pundit, is one of the biggest Zionist bootlickers on the planet.

Hoft’s website is riddled with pro-Zionist articles and commentary. His work provides excuses for Israel’s existence with slobbery Shabbos goy copy that is loaded with half-truths, lies and slanted stories that glorifies Zionism, its agents, proxies and benefactors. According to Hoft, all of America’s social and political problems are the result of the Russians and Chinese – the Chicoms interfering in American society.

Rick Scott

Punishing any and all opposition to Israel’s policies anywhere on the planet is what our demonic Zionist rulers have come to be known for as they never offer dialogue in any dispute.

U.S. Senator Rick Scott from Florida said, “What we’re seeing with these anti-Israel and violently antisemitic mobs on university campuses across the country is disgusting and un-American. Here’s what needs to happen: any college or university that enables anti-Israel mobs or antisemitic mobs on their campus should be stripped of federal funding.


Rick Scott ‘mad’ over Biden’s criticism of Israel: ‘How does he know better?’
by Heather Hamilton

Jim Hoft with his husband, Jezreel Morano in a 2019 engagement announcement photo.

Tim Walberg

U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg from Michigan is a fine example of a Washington D.C. rat and a Zio-goon asset.

Walberg suggested the Zionists in Israel should nuke Gaza “like Nagasaki and Hiroshima,” the Japanese cities the United States hit with atomic bombs at the end of World War II. He has since tried to walk back his despicable words but everybody says it’s clear what he meant. Gaza needs to be punished.

GOP Rep. Tim Walberg suggests Gaza should be handled ‘like Nagasaki and Hiroshima’
by Rebecca Cohen and Emma Li

Goyim Checklist
  • Blow up America’s Power Grid ASAP!
  • Destroy the U.S. Constitution.
  • ✔Balkanize Syria for Israel’s Oded Yinon Plan and implement the plan into American foreign policy for the Middle East.
  • Confiscate all privately held firearms in America.
  • Start World War 3 with China or Russia.
  • ✔Brainwash everybody.
  • ✔Put poisonous fluoride in every city’s water system.
  • ✔Appoint Kamala Harris Vise-President of the United States.
  • ✔Get Jonathan Pollard out of prison.
  • Make pedophilia socially acceptable.
  • ✔Have  Victoria Nuland start a coup in Ukraine.
  • ✔Create a fake pandemic and murder millions of innocent people.
  • ✔Spread lies Donald Trump is Vladimir Putin’s BFF.
  • Make antisemitism illegal and a federal crime.
  • ✔Bomb the World Trade Center.
  • Reparations to black people to make people angry.
  • ✔Assassinate John F. Kennedy.
  • ✔Brown-out America with illegal alien invaders from Central America and genetically mixed South Americans.
  • ✔Ship all American manufacturing jobs to the Orient.
  • ✔Blackmail Lindsey Graham.
  • ✔Make ill-informed people believe Israel is American’s greatest ally.
  • Assassinate Joe Biden on television.
  • Destroy the dollar.
  • ✔Create Hate Crime Laws.
  • ✔Convince everybody ugly people are beautiful.

Zionist Headlines:

$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill To ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’
Congress must let Ukraine win, say Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn, Imagine Dragons, Timothy Snyder and other luminaries
Owner of Russian gay bar arrested for ‘propaganda’
Sen. Rick Scott Meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Visits Western Wall in Israel
GOP Rep. Tim Walberg suggests Gaza should be handled ‘like Nagasaki and Hiroshima’

You don’t know DHTLY!

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