Dual Citizens And Foreign Agents Control The U.S. Federal Government

Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL 21st District) since 2023 (Above) dressed in an Israel Defense Force uniform while in attendance inside the chambers of the U.S. Capitol House of Representatives.

May 24, 2024

The U.S. government is occupied by the Zionist crime syndicate aka the Israel lobby for the Greater Zionist Empire of Lies.

Zionists have successfully infested our government and social institutions throughout the last hundred years with incremental introduced ideology detrimental to American values and traditions. Today, they own and control every lever of power in America. To save the country, all such infected entities require a realignment or shakeout of the people who serve Zionist ideology and interests over the interests of the American people.

Yet, the demons running the U.S. government have no fear of any patriotic reprisals, pushback, accountability or legal opposition to how they are governing our country. Voting doesn’t work in attempts to resist and diminish Zionist power. Joe Biden is proof of our rigged federal election apparatus is controlled by Zionists which keeps their people in power. Outside of a military coup d’etat that would effectively round up every Zionist in government guilty of treason, our demonic rulers know no one is coming to save us from the madness they have created in our lives.

The evil Zionists ruling over America today have loyalty only to the madness that fuels racist apartheid Israel and its ambition to rule the world so they can heal it. But first the Zionists need to destroy America to assume hegemony over the world. To do so, they need a war with China, Iran, Russia, or even an American Civil War as the catalyst to come out on top in any destruction of our current geopolitical order.

The plan requires the United States to lose in any confrontation with those nations and American patriots opposed to the Zionist Empire Of Lies.


Pathological liars rule over us, yet the most pathetic aspect to our current condition is the ease in which our Zionist rulers get away with each assault on our liberties and sensibilities with outright lies, manipulation, chicanery, lawfare, blackmail and murder.

Yet, despite all the evidence contrary to the most obvious truths and circumstances, everybody just takes in the lies. Such behavior labels us as docile sheep at best. At worst, such behavior resembles slavery.

It’s a got-damn shame our political rulers have been compromised by demonic Zionist interests and the miserable American public has become accustomed to getting screwed and abused.

The $100 billion foreign aid package that our despicable Congress passed last month is proof our politicians have sold out the American people.

Not one dollar was allocated for America.

Rather than shutting out the millions of illegal and un-vetted foreign invaders pouring across our southern border, our traitorous political leaders voted to send our hard-earned tax money to foreign Zionist-controlled governments so they can use the money to protect their borders, and in the case of Israel, our tax dollars are being used to expand Israel’s borders. Mostly, the money is used to kill people . . . Russians, Ukrainians and Palestinians, and to steal property and real estate.

Our Zionist occupied government accomplishes all of the above in the name of the American people.

Dual Citizens In Congress

Anyone can become a dual citizen, even members of Congress, high court judges and top officials of the executive branch. There’s no law or regulation against it. Nor are they required to disclose such dual citizenship.

However, H. R. 7484, the Dual Citizenship Disclosure Act,  if passed, would require members of Congress who are foreign nationals to file a statement of their status as a foreign national.
The website www.GovTrack.us has given the bill a 2% chance of becoming law.

The Case Against Dual Citizens in U.S. Public Office by Michael Vera argues convincingly individuals with dual citizenship should not hold U.S. public office due to the significant risk of conflicts of interest.

Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL 21st District) since 2023, above), dressed in an Israel Defense Force uniform while in attendance inside the chambers of the U.S. Capitol House of Representatives.

Writer David Martin says some people treat national membership as simply one among many different affiliations that are to be picked up and dropped entirely at an individual’s option.

The same people in America who can’t define what a woman is want you to believe nationalism can coexist with loyalty and devotion to other groups and foreign institutions.

Writers like Peter J. Spiro advocates the position dual citizenship should be treated as a human right. Others, like Stanley Renshon of City University of New York Graduate Center, in a 2015 paper, maintains it is a fundamental principle of American republican government that representatives, whether in the legislature or the executive, are expected to truly and faithfully represent the national community of which any local community is an integral part. Running for office in a foreign country and continuing to exercise the rights of American citizenship — especially holding office, but also voting and organizing one’s fellow foreign nationals — is incompatible with that expectation.

Renshon says issues of loyalty are a constant concern for naturalized or dual citizens running for elective office. In the 2000 presidential race, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan questioned the national loyalty of vice-presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman. In his remarks Farrakhan said, “Mr. Lieberman, as an Orthodox Jew, is also a dual citizen of Israel. The state of Israel is not synonymous with the United States,” he continued, “and the test he would probably have to pass is: Would he be more faithful to the Constitution of the United States than to the ties that any Jewish person would have to the state of Israel?”



Ban Dual Citizenship For Congressmen Now.


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Zionist Headlines:

• When dual citizenship becomes conflict of interest by L. Michael Hager
• Dual Nationality: TR’s “Self-Evident Absurdity” by David A. Martin
• Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967), was a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, which ruled that citizens of the United States may not be deprived of their citizenship involuntarily.
• Embracing Dual Nationality Published by Carnegie – 1999-01-01
• Dual citizenship as human right by Peter J. Spiro
• What the Law Really Says About Dual Citizenship in the U.S.
• Reforming Dual Citizenship in the United States by Stanley Renshon – 2005-10-01
• ‘A nightmare’: US passport crunch for dual citizens in Israel among most severe
• Prioritizing National Allegiance: The Case Against Dual Citizens in U.S. Public Office by Michael Vera
• $3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill To ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’
• Congress must let Ukraine win, say Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn, Imagine Dragons, Timothy Snyder and other luminaries
• Sen. Rick Scott Meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Visits Western Wall in Israel
• GOP Rep. Tim Walberg suggests Gaza should be handled ‘like Nagasaki and Hiroshima’

You don’t know DHTLY!


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