August 8, 2024
Does one good coup d’etat deserves another?
If the Zionist jews running the country can dispose of feeble Joe Biden for Indian fool Kamala Goypa Harris (she’s not black) in a coup d’etat, then a bad-ass devoted and patriotic military man somewhere within the hierarchy of America’s military command structure should step forth and throw a coup d’etat on our evil ruling, money laundering, psychopathic Zionist jews.
Consider in a civil war, everybody gets killed. With a coup d’etat the authorities can roundup and arrest only the guilty Zionist traitors, collaborators and bootlickers who are responsible for destroying America. Hold some of them in Gitmo (Guantánamo Bay Military Prison) for more names and interrogation. Others simply need to be hung-up immediately.
Some people say it’s the only way to destroy the Zionist Empire of Lies that has enslaved the United States and which endangers the planet with nuclear war and destruction.

Look at what all the scads of elite jewish advisors to all the presidents we have had the last 100 years have given us. Every presidential administration has been choked-full of “elite” Zionist jewish advisors and for all their worth and value, the advice they have given us has turned the American Dream into an American Nightmare.
The United States had a revolutionary beginning, a civil war and a lot of bumps and bruises along the way to where we are now. And since we are now a third-world nation with the addition of the 20 to 30 million illegal invaders from banana republics south of the border that have flooded our communities in the last four years, the United States might as well go for the full enchilada and throw up a coup d’etat right back at the evil Zionist jews who have destroyed America and who are intent on doing more damage to the country.
The evil Zionist psychopathic jews need to be stopped. You know it, and everybody else knows it. A complete round-up of all guilty Zionist jews and their collaborators must take place. Zionist leaders need to be imprisoned with many of them requiring immediate summary punishment. Long prison sentences and deportation should be imposed on the rest of them while confiscating their ill-gained wealth.

A coup d’etat against the evil Zionist jews who have been running roughshod over America is what many patriots are clamoring for and say one is needed to change our trajectory. Are such exclamations true? If not, what will free us from the evil Zionist jews who control every level of power in the country? Biden is proof our voting apparatus is rigged to their advantage.
Some people are convinced a coup d’etat is the only way to go to change our condition from debt slavery, misery and debauchery to sunshine and freedom from our evil Zionist authoritarian infested government. It’s so sad we’re even at this point in our history but you know something is seriously wrong with the people who run this country.


You don’t know DHTLY!
Zionist Headlines:
• The US “Special Relationship” with Israel: Abject Enslavement by Kevin Barrett
• Report: Pelosi Threatened Biden if He Did Not Quit by Charlie McCarthy
• Are coups good for democracy?
• An American Coup d’Etat?
• List of coups and coup attempts by country
• When dual citizenship becomes conflict of interest by L. Michael Hager
• Dual Nationality: TR’s “Self-Evident Absurdity” by David A. Martin
The truth is anti-semitic. I ‘m all for it!