Remorseful Exhibit

April 12, 2021

Unfortunately, there are too many examples of some tyrannical authority from the recent past to the present time that was, and is, designed to demonstrate their power. Offenses to a diabolical authority by whatever catalyst is never tolerated.

The most effective manner of displaying control over their captives, occupied populations, or their own countrymen, would be the example where the authorities would round up innocent people from an offending group or town and pull from them every other person. It matters little if the people selected are children. They would then publicly execute the chosen innocents to prove their power over everyone not yet subdued and fully obedient. The manner of execution varied, but the effect was the same.

Most of the remaining people, terrified and traumatized and not wanting to share a similar fate, meekly submit to the evil to avoid an early departure from their earthy pursuits. Insubordination of any kind is not permitted in such systems. Still, others persist to resist.

Such is the power of an tyrannical system that allows for such inhumanity. History is riddle with examples of deranged people, when in charge over other people, proved they were only concerned with extracting wealth and obedience from those they ruled over.

They’re known for their penchant and apparent enjoyment for applying heavy-handed punishment on those who question them, complain or pushed back against their condition.

It is worth remembering those bad-ass rebels and non-compliant jibber-jabbers who couldn’t keep their mouths shut and those who pushed back against the madness they found themselves trapped in. Respect.

For those who work for the occupiers. No respect.

History won’t forget the collaborators, sympathizers, enablers, talking-heads, and regular folk who profit and gain off a higher pecking order of a shared oppression through backroom deals and betrayal. They are the people to remember.

Yet, worse, its best to forget those who publicly apologized for expressing their views on their condition or position. Such people shrivel up and beg for forgiveness from those who rule over us when getting caught speaking honestly. They are later forced to apologize publicly under threat of a job loss or the leaking to the public of damaging video of the complainer over something dishonest or coerced.

Some people are selfishly intoxicated with their contrived Zionist-media-fame. The threat of being cancelled and losing the privileges and limelight granted to them in America’s Zionist dystopia society would be too much to lose. No respect.

When you have something to say:

Say What You Mean And Mean What You Say!

Idris Mukhtar Ibrahim

CNN freelance producer Idris Mukhtar Ibrahim publicly expressed his support for the Palestinian group Hamas with the following 2014 Tweet:

Ibrahim’s sentiments were uncovered and reported by the Zionist online platform, on November 13, 2022. CNN promptly fired Ibrahim a few days later with a public statement the Zionist owned news channel was not aware of Ibrahim’s tweets.

Ibrahim issued a Twitter apology on November 18, 2022 for his prior statements:
“In 2014, I wrote some ignorant and hurtful tweets. I regret having done so and unreservedly apologize for the pain my words caused, especially to the Jewish Community. They were offensive and I must take responsibility. I was young, new to social media, and blurted out.””
No mention in the worldwide news reports on Ibrahim if he had to meet with a rabbi to discuss the Holocaust.

Ice Cube

In 2020, Ice Cube, in response to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar for including him in a opinion piece in a jewish owned media platform as an example of someone who supports jewish tropes, he tweeted: “Shame on the Hollywood Reporter who obviously gave my brother Kareem 30 pieces of silver to cut us down without even a phone call,” a reference to well known betrayer.

Ice Cube surrendered whatever stance he set with his response to Abdul-Jabbar after tweeting out the following: “Shout out to Mort Klein who had the courage to seek the truth and speak with me and see for himself I am obviously NOT an anti-Semite or racist. I admire him for the advocacy of his people and look forward to talking more on how Black and Jewish communities can work together.”
Ice Cube’s two-hour phone conversation with Klein, the president of the Zionist Organization of America is troubling.

Why did Ice Cube have to even consult with Klein?

Its apparent, the jewish diaspora cringed when Ice Cube simply made a reference to Judas, a well-known jew who betrayed Jesus?

Apparently, jews everywhere were offended and Ice Cube had to pay a price for his choice of words. Hence, the talk with Klein and the public tweet about meeting with Klein. It was enough to calm the jewish octopus-like diaspora which won’t tolerate such public expressions.

Nick Cannon

Cannon interviewed old time rapper “Professor Griff” Griffin, on his podcast show, Cannon’s Class. Griffin gained fame with the rap group Public Enemy before getting booted in 1989 for saying jews were responsible “for the majority of wickedness that goes on across the globe.”

Cannon praised the rapper for having “the most substance and weight in speaking unapologetically and you stuck to your guns.” He added, “it’s never hate speech, you can’t be anti-Semitic when we are the Semitic people. That’s our birthright, we are the true Hebrews.”

Cannon scrambled to seek forgiveness from his benefactors after the jewish diaspora called for his head a day after ViacomCBS cancelled his television show Wild ‘N Out.

Cannon met with Rabbi Abraham Cooper, from the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and later apologized to the Jewish community for his “hurtful and divisive” words. Cooper cleared him even though many jews wanted him to receive a more painful punishment.

Isaiah Jackson

Isaiah Jackson, a crypto journalist who hosted a weekly Community Crypto show on CoinDesk TV, tweeted about the “religious affiliation of everyone involved in the FTX collapse” followed by “Kanye was right.”

Jackson, author of Bitcoin & Black America, was fired immediately. He has not issued an apology. He did tweet, “You all know I don’t hate anybody but you have to keep the sponsors happy. Glad I’m independent.”

DeSean Jackson

Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson shared an Instagram story in 2020 that featured a passage from a book that allegedly quoted Adolf Hitler. He also posted photos of Islamic leader Louis Farrakhan who claims they are “the real Children of Israel,.

“I post a lot of things that are sent to me. I do not have hatred towards anyone,” Jackson said. “I really didn’t realize what this passage was saying. Hitler has caused terrible pain to Jewish people like the pain African-Americans have suffered. We should be together fighting anti-Semitism and racism. This was a mistake to post this and I truly apologize for posting it and sorry for any hurt I have caused.”

Stephen Jackson

Former NBA star Stephen Jackson backed DeSean Jackson’s comments, saying “The Jews are the richest. You know who the Rothschilds are? They control all the banks. They own all the banks.”

“To my Jewish community I apologize,” Jackson wrote. “Never my intentions to hurt any of u. Love for all who have love for all.”

Forbe’s writer lamented: “As a Jewish person, it’s sad to hear Jackson conflate anti-Semitism with his noble message of racial justice. As oppressed people throughout history, Jewish and Black people should band together to fight bigotry and injustice.”

Michael Richards

Michael Richards went off on audience members in 2006 at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood.

Video shows Richards yelling out, “You can talk, you can talk, you’re brave now motherfucker. Throw his ass out. He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger! A nigger, look, there’s a nigger!”

“Fifty years ago we’d have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass.”

“For me to be at a comedy club and flip out and say this crap…” said Richards. “I’m deeply, deeply sorry.”

“I’m not a racist.”

Ted Lieu

Lieu was responding to a statement from U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, an Orthodox jew, who had defended Israel’s president’s decision to bar U.S Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) from visiting Israel.

“You are an American,” Lieu wrote on Tweeter. “Your allegiance should be to America, not to a foreign power. You should be defending the right of Americans to travel to other countries. If you don’t understand that, you need to resign.”

It has been brought to my attention that my prior tweet to @USAmbIsrael raises dual loyalty allegations that have historically caused harm to the Jewish community. That is a legitimate concern. I am therefore deleting the tweet.

— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) August 16, 2019


British rapper Wiley wrote that jews are “snakes,” “cowards,” at “war” with black people, and compared jews to the KKK. Wiley apparently was partly referencing his jewish manager John Woolf in his comments.

“I want to apologize for generalizing, number one, and I want to apologize for comments that were looked at as anti-Semitic,” Wiley said. “My comments should not have been directed to all Jews or Jewish people.”

However, Wiley reportedly followed his apology by saying: “The system and that man Woolf, and the community of Jewish lawyers, have made me feel that way. Yes they have. They made me feel that way. Not anti-Semitic, they made me feel angry and upset because they are showing me their systemic racism and privilege that they’re allowed to use on us.”

Mel Gibson

In 2006, Mel Gibson was arrested for driving 80 m.p.h. in a 45 m.p.h. zone with an open bottle of tequila in his car. When stopped, Gibson tried to run away. After he was detained, he said that “Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world” and asked the arresting officer if he was a jew.

Here is part of Gibson’s apology as the full text of his contrition is too long to post here.

“There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of Anti-Semitic remark. I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge.”

Deceased Apologist

Don Imus

Big time radio personality Don Imus had his show, Imus in the Morning, cancelled in 2007, after the radio host called members of Rutgers University women’s basketball team, “nappy-headed hos.”

Imus apologized to the team in person but later said, “there wasn’t anything I could do to take it back.” The Zionist media destroyed him.

The Jewish News Of Northern California posted angle on Imus’s downfall was set with bullets:

“The arguments defending Imus have been painfully lame. To those making this into a First Amendment issue, no one is saying Americans aren’t free to bellow racist and anti-Semitic blather to the heavens — but massive media conglomerates shouldn’t feel the need to broadcast it either.”

• In a 2001 edition of “60 Minutes,” Imus admitted to Mike Wallace that he hired producer Bernard McGuirk to “tell nigger jokes.”

• Imus described former Secretary of Defense William Cohen as “William Cohen, the Mandingo deal” (Cohen’s wife is black).

• The radio host referred to an Indian men’s doubles tennis team as “Gunga Din and Sambo,” and French tennis player Amelie Mauresmo as “a big old lesbo.”

Critics noted at the time the obvious bias of JNONC was showing, as it was publishing their ireful rage over Imus while nothing was said of Howard Stern’s foul-mouth show. He’s okay. Only jews can spew rough and tumble expletives. It all depends on the edge of the blade and who is holding the knife.

The Jerusalem Post in 2019, mentioned Imus’ passing at age 79, with the recollection he had, come under fire for making antisemitic comments in the past, such as calling his superiors at CBS “money grubbing bastards” as well as “scummy” Jews. He has also had several well-documented spats with Jewish radio talk show host Howard Stern during his tenure.

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