May 7, 2023
No matter what type of jew one may encounter, they all share the End Jew Hatred Syndrome . . even Oriental jews. You’ll find these organized lunatics out on the streets at prescribed times engaging in one of their most enjoyable propaganda stunts . . . publicly demonstrating against other people’s dislike for them while displaying the highest degree of canned virtue and innocence. They do it for the cameras and the fuss.
The insanity of such stunts and behavior makes no sense because according to the rabbis and their teachings, ever since the time when the biblical Hebrews were freed from slavery by the Babylonians back-in-the-day, it has been taught all non-jews are born hating jews. Rabbis have taught and say evil is in the DNA of all non-jews. We, all non-jews and not counting the Orientals, are the descendants of the biblical Esau and we’re just no good, no matter what!
According to most past and present jewish rabbis, non-jews are not even human when compared to a jew. So, it makes no sense to non-jewish observers of today’s Chosen People as to why they would demonstrate and complain about how non-jews feel about them. You would think jews would know better . . . non-jews are just fucked up and they don’t like jews. So, why do Torah observant jews waste their valuable time complaining about a fact of nature? I’m sure they have better things to do like beating up on defenseless Semitic women and children in Israel where they can commit such heinous crimes and get away with it.
What kind of people defends such extreme behavior?
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Christians are hated and physically attacked in Israel by ultra-Orthodox Price Tag extremists.

A statue of Jesus was damaged after Christian haters smashed the icon in a church in Jerusalem’s Old City.

The rise in reported cases of aggression against jews and Christians can best be contrasted by the content of the photos above. The No Hate, No Fear Solidarity March January, 5, 2020 denounced antisemitism in the photo on the left. Yet, no one is marching against the hate displayed in Jerusalem this year by criminal jews towards Christians in American cities or anywhere else on the planet. Jewish graffiti spray painted in Hebrew on a church wall says “Jesus is garbage” in the photo on the right.
Some people will never get along with the people they dislike or hate for whatever reasons they may hold such views and feelings, valid or not. Such shades of truths are even more dangerous when it comes to religion and money.
Many jewish opponents call their disdain for the Khazarian people’s mainstream mutated embrace of Judaism from its original interpretation inconsequential to their dislike of modern day jews and which is instead centered on general jewish behavior as a cultural group and people.
Everybody knows after the founding of Israel, Khazarian people re-named themselves and jettisoned their eastern European names to Hebrew names, like when the Khazarian people changed their native names to Polish and German to blend in when they first started to immigrate to eastern Europe from their traditional Eurasian homeland. Just like they Anglicized their Yiddish names when they immigrated to America. Most Khazarian people try to dismiss their geographical and cultural roots with the camouflage that they are a Semitic people and that’s a got-damn lie no matter how they try to spin it. They, as a people, historically come from around the area of modern day Ukraine. Everybody knows it.
Yet, these people consistently equate their religious beliefs with the racist apartheid state of Israel at their convenience when it is politically advantageous to do so. At other times these same people complain they are victims of bias and hate when people express legitimate complaints against Israel and complain people are against jews when they talk about Israel.
It is a similar tactic jews use like when they say the following depicted in the photo below:
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Jon Stewart AKA John Leibowitz
For many people around the world it is the Khazar’s distinct cultural and physical traits which turns people off, and which provides the impetus from which everyone comes to dislike the Khazars and not their demonic quasi-Judaic religious beliefs. However, there are hundreds of millions of good people who oppose today’s jewish religious tenets that they have twisted and intertwined with some Luciferianism from its original creation and mandate. Judaism today, by many accounts and measure, is strictly a supremacist and racist religious ideology undeserving of the status it receives from the world. Some people may not like it, but some people do.
It is not against the law to dislike anyone or any one group of people for whatever reasons one may harbor and maintain such feelings. To maintain such an attitude is within any American’s constitutional rights to embrace without fear of becoming a victim of violence by people who may not feel the same way. Such beliefs and positions are protected as free speech. Anyone or any group of people demanding enhanced protection and rights to their standing and condition to a protected class or a special status because God chose them over everyone else, or for any other reason, are simply out of their got-damn minds. It’s not going to happen in America, and if it is happening today with transgender/mentally disturbed people, then it has to stop! No one in America is deserving of any special rights over everybody else.
Who gets to decide what is hate and what isn’t? Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who died in 1994, and is shown in the photo above was known to many as the Lubavitcher Rebbe or simply the Rebbe. He was one of the most influential jewish leaders of the 20th century and he was a hardcore racist supremacist.
We patriots desperately need a leader to arise from somewhere within America who would confront and sue the federal government and force the system to abolish police tasers, no-knock warrants, hate crime laws and the dismantlement of all federal, state or city laws, or statue supporting efforts to stamp out or to devalue anti-Semitic feelings.
A hero is needed to champion the right for Americans to indulge publicly or privately in one’s own intolerance and beliefs for any religion, race or class of people and ethnic group without penalties. We have the right to think freely, the right to not like someone, some group or some religion and the right to say so freely without fear of punishment or retaliation by private employers and the government.
People don’t have to like other people but we can still get along. We can show each other common respect and courtesy when we have to interact with each other and those people we don’t like.
Hate speech is free speech. Some people may not like it, but expressing one’s dislike in any array of words is free speech, regardless of the words spoken. Some words are powerful and some are not. Being called a Nazi or an anti-Semitic no longer has any currency. Such labels have become impotent and meaningless while truth and free speech are enduring.
Zionist Headlines:
• Investigators claim Israeli group meddling in elections worldwide RT Staff
• YT Video: Douglas Macgregor – The West’s “Empire of Lies” in Ukraine
• California’s New Department of Hate for Snitches, Tattletales and Grievance Hustlers By Katy Grimes
• US Blocks China’s Attempt To Condemn Israeli Attacks On Gaza At UN
• Church defaced in Jerusalem in suspected ‘price tag’ hate attack – Ilan Ben Zion
No, we can NOT ‘get along’ with jews or thirdworlders ; cannot be done.
For a good history on ‘who’ jews actually are – as opposed to what they claim – and their complete and utter absence of kinship with True/Bibllical Israelites, see Christians for Truth or Blood and Faith.