August 6, 2024
Don’t let evil psychopath Benjamin Netanyahu fool you. Israel is not a gleaming bastion of unrivaled human endeavor custom-built to rule the world. Israel is a failed state on the brink of being swept into the dustbin of history.

What we know is Israel is a welfare state which cannot exist without massive amounts of U.S. tax dollars, military weaponry and lots of whoppers/lies to keep it afloat. Hence, when the racist and illegal State of Israel pays American jewish traitor Jonathan Pollard a stipend for betraying Americans for Israel in the 1980’s, few Americans know they’re padding Pollard’s comforts every day with their tax dollars.

The jewish American traitor, Pollard, is being paid monthly what a retired Mossad agent would be paid. However, Pollard wasn’t a spy. Pollard is a living, breathing traitor who no doubt laughs about his circumstances on his way from the bank, and when he’s buying stuff to keep himself happy.
It is important to remember the only thing Israel exports to the world is war, war crimes, fentanyl and stolen American technology repackaged to sell to the Chinese and Russians. It’s a great racket if you can keep it going. The evil Zionist sold large portions of the tens of thousands of documents Pollard handed over to them to the Russians for the release of jewish settlers.
The fact Pollard is alive and well living a celebrated Zionist life in the illegal State of Israel has many American patriots dismayed.
Shouldn’t Pollard have received a rope hanging? How did he get away to live a lavish existence in Zionist controlled Palestine where racist political groups vie for his endorsement and participation in Zionist politics?
American patriots should always remember it was Donald Trump, while he was president, who allowed for Pollard to travel to Israel where he was discreetly greeted exclusively by war criminal and psychopath Benjamin Netanyahu.
It was reported Pollard’s release from parole was one of several “diplomatic gifts given to Netanyahu by President Donald Trump.” Yet, scores of members of Congress tried for decades to free Pollard behind the lie Pollard was given an excessive prison sentence. Their motivation was always to placate the Zionist monsters of AIPAC and its ruling international crime organization.
Our intelligence honchos proved in Pollard’s conviction his betrayal to America was labeled the largest and most damaging in the history of American betrayal and dual loyalty.
Fortunately for Pollard there are no right-wing American patriotic groups like the Kahane group in Israel who would target Pollard with an assassination on par with how the jewish Zionists conduct their assassinations against anyone who is against Israel. Pollard knows he’s a target. It is why he carries a gun wherever he goes.

Pollard’s advice for American jews is to betray America at their earliest opportunity to do so. Pollard believes what he was convicted of was expected of him as a jew to do. Pollard says jews are expected to have dual-loyalties but allegiance to Israel comes first.

Most patriots agree Pollard should be dead and everyone with a history of advocating for his release and anyone who provided comfort and aid to him should be treated to a long stay at a re-purposed Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay Military Prison). People should also remember Trump pardoned Pollard’s Zionist spy handlers who fled to Israel the few days before Pollard was denied political sanctuary inside the Israeli embassy and later arrested. It is shameful that Trump would side with the Zionists who were caught spying on America.
Yet, our ruling Zionist monsters in the shadows are determined to ignite their plans to kill off most of us with a nuclear war by any catalyst or false-flag necessary to usher in their messiah. What non-jews believe means nothing to Zionist jews. The prevailing attitude most rabbis have and advocate for is best reflected in the following jewish advice: “Always remember: One million Arabs are not worth a jewish fingernail” – Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, at the funeral of Baruch Goldstein, who killed more than 50 Muslims in a mosque at Hebron.
Zionist Headlines:
• When dual citizenship becomes conflict of interest by L. Michael Hager
• Dual Nationality: TR’s “Self-Evident Absurdity” by David A. Martin