It’s Not Against The Law

August 6, 2024


Americans are free thinkers and have the right to free speech!

It is not against the law to dislike anyone or any one group of people for whatever reasons one may harbor and maintain such feelings. To maintain such an attitude is within any American’s constitutional rights to embrace without fear of becoming a victim of violence by people who may not feel the same way. Such beliefs and positions are protected as free speech.



Anyone or any group of people demanding enhanced protection and rights to their standing and condition to a protected class or a special status because God chose them over everyone else, or for any other reason, are simply out of their got-damn minds. It’s not going to happen in America, and if it is happening today with transgender/mentally disturbed people, then it has to stop! No one in America is deserving of any special rights over everybody else.



You don’t know DHTLY!


Zionist Headlines:

• When dual citizenship becomes conflict of interest by L. Michael Hager
• Dual Nationality: TR’s “Self-Evident Absurdity” by David A. Martin




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